December 27, 2016
Ashe (a.k.a. Chico)
Hey Wanda!
Just thought we would give you an update! Ashe (Chico) is 3 1/2 months old now and he is such a sweetie! He is so smart, playful, and cuddly and definitely turns a lot of heads. 🙂 Can’t wait to start puppy classes next week!
-Beth and Kevin
December 19, 2016
Hi Wanda!
She’s doing great… Getting big!
Once she gets her 12 weeks shots (her appointment is tomorrow) I’m planning on enrolling her in puppy classes.
Merry Christmas!
Mocha is a Bailey/Jack puppy.
December 19, 2016
Hello Wanda
Hope all is well!! Chevy is 12 weeks old and doing fantastic!!! She loves the snow and knows so many tricks and so well behaved it’s amazing. Potty training only took 1 Day!
Here is a picture of Rudy trying out his new bed we got him a few weeks ago. He is doing so good, we love him so much. Merry Christmas!
Joe, Amanda, Henry, and Rudy P.
December 13, 2016
Hope all is well!! Chevy is 12 weeks old and doing fantastic!!! She loves the snow and knows so many tricks and so well behaved it’s amazing..potty training only took 1 Day!
Thank you so much for all you do before your puppies go the their forever home..Life is grand! See you this summer!!
Love Pamm and Chevy
December 9, 2016
Geordie (a.ka. Cody)
Geordie (fka Cody) had his first birthday on Nov. 30. The little guy has turned into a handsome dog with a beautiful full coat! And, he is a very busy student. Geordie has completed Puppy Obedience and Mind Your Manners Classes. Now he’s started Nose work Classes and Sports Foundations (agility basics). He’s a natural at nose work and finds the “hides” very quickly. I’m hoping he’ll go on and compete in some nose work trials.
You definitely have an excellent breeding program. A trainer saw my Sandy Creek Aussies pup and remarked that he looked exactly like an Aussie and had the temperament, too. She is an experienced Aussie owner and was used to seeing poorly bred Miniature American Shepherds that resembled Poms and not Aussies.
Happy Holidays to you and all the Sandy Creek Aussie pups!
Julie & Geordie
Geordie is a Shiraz / Pip puppy
December 1, 2016
Taavi (aka Milo)
Wanda –
All is well with Taavi (Milo), he is happy and so are we.
November 30, 2016
Smore (a.k.a Link)
Our wonderful puppy has been doing amazing. He had a few spats of barking on the way home, but otherwise did great. He pottied outside for us beautifully here at home, and we are starting to understand his signs of needing to go out. He did so well at night too! We put him in the crate I put room to sleep and he didn’t like it much, so we tried him in the bigger area we have for him in the kitchen and he did great. He woke us up one time to go out, and did his business well. I’m so impressed with him!
Thank you!!
November 25, 2016
She is doing simply amazing! I couldn’t be happier with her! Happy thanksgiving to you too!
November 22, 2016
Hi Wanda –
Thanks for checking in. Lucy is great! Very healthy and very happy! She’s extremely friendly with people and other dogs. Living in the city, we take her to the off-leash dog park so she can really run — she’s agile and wicked-fast — and it’s her favorite thing to do. She has a “best friend” there — a beautiful grey Husky — it’s really amazing how both dogs take to each other even when other playmates are around.
We love her!
November 22, 2016
She is doing amazing. The best puppy ever. Thank you 🙂
November 23, 2016
Another Happy Customer(s)
He is doing wonderful!! I see what you meant about his personality! Unbelievably affectionate and a very good listener. Both dogs are really doing great with each other!
November 22, 2016
Chloe is doing great. She’s walking her master three times a day, about four miles total. And she’s decided she likes our bed rather than hers, so we wonder sometimes whose house this really is. She’s the most outgoing, friendly dog we’ve ever had–the difference in breeds between shelties and aussies, I guess. She likes most every dog on the street and everybody who comes to the house. We have frequent get-togethers, so this is good. Thanks for asking.
Mark F
November 22, 2016
Jack is doing great, we love him!
He is best friends with two great danes; Sophie and Lucy, and a Bentley a corgi pup. Playing fetch, frisbee, and taking long walks are some of his favorite things to do.
We are definitely thankful to have him in our lives. Happy thanksgiving!
Taylor, Amber, & Jack!
November 22, 2016
Suri and Levi
Suri LOVES our Grandson.
November 22, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Rooney is awesome, we LOVE him to the moon and back! We have some great news, we are moving back to Montana in 2017! Will miss some good people here, including you! BUT will be back home and close to our granddaughters! A couple of attachments for your enjoyment! …a couple of Sir WooRooney, the day I picked him up at Sandy Creek and now! xo
ps…I met Andy’s aussie he bought from you, he is the owner of Fido’s Pantry. I told him about you and your fantastic operation!
November 22, 2016
Hi Wanda,
Rylee is a great dog. She loves the kids, loves people and is great with other dogs. We had her in some early puppy obedience training. She did good with that. She is a great cuddle dog and she is beautiful.
Thanks, Patrick
November 22, 2016
Our little Rudy is doing really well, he is still a very happy go lucky little puppy. He enjoys playing with our other dog Henry everyday. He also can’t wait for the snow; it is his favorite time to play outside. We treasurer him every day
Thanks the Pechamann’s
November 22, 2016
Hi Wanda,
You are so nice to get in touch and to take news about Lia. She is the nicest dog ever, we are in love with her so much that sometime I wish I could have been that much in love with my own children . I am now in Florida since a week returning home tomorrow and my brother in law and the old parents are my babysitters . They love her as much as I am.
I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and thank you again for kindness.
Carole from Canada
November 22, 2016
Hello Wanda,
Happy thanksgiving to you! Riker is doing great. Terry took this picture last winter and thought this would be a good one to share with you. Riker loves being outside when we’re doing yard work. He’ll jump up in the mule to go for a ride! He is so loyal; his name should be shadow! Happy Holidays to you and your family!
November 21, 2016
Great to hear from you! Boomer is doing fantastic. He enjoys playing with his brother Oakley in the back yard and barking at everyone that walks past our house. We took him to a few obedience classes and he took the training well. I actually referred you to a friend of mine last week who was looking for a similar dog so if they come to adopt one, Boomer may have a new friend soon. I attached a picture that we had taken recently. Thanks again for checking in and I hope everything is going well!
November 21, 2016
Another Happy Customer
Hi Wanda,
The puppy is doing great! She is truly part of the family. She trained really quickly, is very compassionate, loves all humans and dogs alike, and is very well behaved. We could not imagine our life without her! Thank you for bringing up such a good puppy!
We have already recommended a lot of people your way! Have a great Thanksgiving as well!
November 21, 2016
Talia is doing great- we love her so much – she brings so much joy everywhere she goes!
Hope all is well with you and your new litters!
November 21, 2016
Hi Wanda!
We are doing wonderful!! Quinn is happy, healthy, and he is my best friend! He is doing wonderful with his basic obedience and we are planning to start more advanced stuff and agility that they offer at our dog center we are starting at! He is so handsome, well behaved, and insanely smart! And he loves to run and play frisbee in our backyard! He even has his own Instagram page where I post tons of pictures of him and our adventures! We hope you have a happy holidays!
November 21, 2016
Thanks for checking in!
We absolutely love our pup so much. He is a perfect complement to our family.
November 20, 2016
Boone is doing fabulous with her. Has never been rough yet. He might be jealous a few times, but we are really giving him a lot of praise when he is gentle.
She slept through the night, did not even cry once! Pooped and peed within 30 seconds of taking her outside this morning!
Thanks again!
This is Laura’s second puppy from us.
November 20, 2016
Chevy is doing awesome..potty trained. Crate trained. Sit stay down. High five. She is so smart!!! Her sisters love her.
November 15, 2016
Blu (a.k.a. Timmy)
Hi Wanda!
First of all- thank you so much for Blu (Timmy)! He is a beautiful, sweet, smart, gentle ball of love!
November 15, 2016
Hi Wanda!
Just wanted to say thank you so much for this precious little guy! Finnley is loving life! Loves hanging out at the store, playing with toys and jumping in leaf piles 🙂
November 12, 2016
Missy / Chevy
She is a champ at potty and sit and has the iq ball figured out….crate training is going great. She never whined once. Thanks so much.
November 11, 2016
Stretch made it home safely!!
Thanks for another great dog!
November 8, 2016
Ole (a.k.a. Dom)
Hello Wanda!!
Ole just had his 2nd b-day and is doing well. He is a fantastic dog – we couldn’t be happier!! He loves hiking in the mountains around Anchorage. He goes to doggie day care weekdays when we’re at work and spends most of his day outside. He gets along with the "bigs" and the "littles" so is able to remain outside with both groups. There are about 4 other Aussies that he hangs with there and I’m told they often get together and herd the other dogs.
He enjoys running with me – I have a sled dog harness and hook him to my waist – it’s like getting a turbo charger to help me with my run; he pushes the pace with his boundless energy.
He is thrilled that we have snow in the mountains now; I believe winter is his favorite season.
Thanks for checking in! I hope you, your family and dog family are all doing well.
Best ~ Pete
November 1, 2016
Bella (a.k.a. Suzi)
Hi Wanda,
Our Bella is doing awesome, you called her Suzi, she is now 10 months old and I was wondering when you start switching to adult dog food? I’ve read a lot of different options, but since you do such a good job with these pups I was wondering your opinion.
She sure keeps us busy, I walk her daily and we have a large fenced area for her too….she’s keeping her big sheltie brother young too! Love her dearly. Thank you again for an awesome pup…she’s a sweetheart.
Jim, Dawn, Bella and Jasper
October 24, 2016
Hi Wanda!
I hope you, your family are doing well! Guess who’s 4 years old today! Sir Woo Rooney! Love him to death, what a great dog!
Take good care!
September 21, 2016
He is amazing and picks up everything quickly. Sunday he did great at agility and Tues we go to our other agility class which I like better. It looks like we’re going to start doing some nose work here where these
pictures were taken. I like working here with him, this is where we began obedience our training. Again thank you for producing a great dog, he’s my best friend.
September 6, 2016
Happy Labor Day from this handsome goofball!
He’s pretty perfect!
Xo Fiona and Ace
August 31, 2016
Milo (a.k.a. Ronnie)
Good Morning Wanda!
I just wanted to give you an update on Milo (aka Ronnie), and get you some pics.
Milo has been such a HUGE addition to our family. At only 8+ months old, I can’t believe how well he has adjusted, and how grown up he is. He is a big boy at 32 pounds and our vet guesses he should add a couple more before all growing is said and done. He has been better then we could have ever imagined. From day 1, he has been the perfect Aussie; quick learner, has always slept through the night, and has only had a few accidents (although none of them have ever happened in our house!).
Milo has been to Puppy Socialization classes, and has gone through Obedience 1 with great success. Once the weather starts cooling off, we will be taking him to Obedience 2, and starting Agility. He is so smart, and such a quick learner; he definitely keeps us on our toes! A couple days every week Milo goes to doggie day care, he needs to burn that energy! The staff always compliment him and says how well behaved he is. On Friday’s he comes with me to work, and plays with my coworkers Golden’s.
I cannot thank you enough for Milo. He has just been the perfect addition, and we look forward to the day we add a friend for Milo. We will be sure to keep you updated on Milo’s future!
John and Morgan
August 30, 2016
Just Watching
August 22, 2016
Dakota (a.k.a. Mini)
August 15, 2016
Cute little barn picture I got today of Porter looking at the cats down in the barn.
August 4, 2016
Avy going Truckin!!!
August 3, 2016
We did not do any schooling. He was in such good shape when you gave him to us. His interaction with kids and his potty training was basically, easy. Common puppy problems like chewing up all of my wife’s boots and shoes haha and my favorite hat! but that was also our fault. We spent a lot of time at different dog parks in his first 2 years and not so much anymore. We have a nature preserve in our backyard and live nxt to the Coon Rapids dam so he is always outside running in the woods and swimming in the river. My mom was a vet tech for 30 yrs so i have had several dogs in my lifetime. I have never had a dog like Leo who is so much a part of our daily life. He goes everywhere with us. We just went on a long roadtrip to my wife’s hometown and he was terrific throughout. GREAT DOG and friend.
July 30, 2016
Hi Wanda,
Here is Ace enjoying the good life in Los Angeles! Hope you are having a great summer!
July 18, 2016
Leonardo (a.k.a. Gable)
Kojak’s son turned 4 in April. His was Gable. He goes everywhere with us, loves swimming and is a master with the frisbee.
Such a terrific boy.
July 11,2016
Dasher (a.k.a. Smokey
Hi Dasher is doing wonderfully. The other day our obedience instructor looked at him and said if she didn’t know any better she thought he was a reg Aussie loved his head. We love his head and nose. He has wonderful instincts and is an amazingly fast learner, beating Tucker hands down and he was extremely intelligent. We still have half a blue eye which makes him look cool. We are now wondering if it will remain a split eye. Dasher went to 4 of July parade with tons of sirens people and new things including 2 relatives dogs, I was a very proud momma. He was a hit with everyone he met especially kids. I feel the work you did with him played a huge role in shaping him to be the guy he is and that includes his parents. I thank you for allowing him to be my kid, I just can’t say enough good about him and your program of responsible breeding and giving the all Love from the start.
July 4, 2016
Cutest Dog Around (a.k.a. Macy)
Still the cutest dog around!! We just LOVE her!!!!
July 4, 2016
Ace River
Happy 4th from handsome Ace River!!
June 29, 2016
Bella (a.k.a. Suzi)
She’s is awesome….Frisbee fool….absolutely love her. We had her spayed two weeks ago…she’s doing great.
Here’s a pic with her frisbee prior to surgery. Congrats on Gisele. I cannot believe how fun, neat, smart these pups are. Not that I want anything to happen to Jasper our sheltie….but when he goes to heaven we will be back for another one.
You obviously know what you are doing because these dogs are something else. We are
so glad we found you. Thank you again.
Jim, Dawn, Bella and Jasper
June 28, 2016
Nala (a.k.a. Simone)
Hi! I have Nala (formerly named Simone). She is an outstanding dog! She’s very smart and loving. She does excellent at frisbee demonstrations. She is now being trained to be a service dog. She is doing very good in her training and is picking up things right away! Thank you so much for this special girl!
June 28, 2016
Hi Wanda!
I just wanted to let you know everything is going great with Quinn! He is such a wonderful dog and I love him so much! We get compliments wherever we go about how beautiful he is!
Thank you so much – Faith
June 28,2016
Little Ace in the backyard. He’s doing so well.
Happy Summer!
June 27, 2016
This is why I have my dogs!!! Razz and Chase picking strawberries! How cute is that??
June 14, 2016
Hi Wanda,
just wanted to thank you again for our little Vinnie (Carter)! We have fallen sooo hard for this little guy! At 4 months and 1 week, he is 21lbs (and counting). Still feeding him Nutrisource food and treats. He is so smart! He already catches a frisbee, sits, lays down, rolls over, AND sits by the door when he needs to go potty! He loves car rides and his favorite spot in the house is laying on the floor vent and watching the birds out the glass door. He is also doing very well in Katie K9’s puppy school! He is the perfect dog… We couldn’t love him more.
Kind regards,
June 9, 2016
Hi Wanda,
He’s so handsome & healthy!!!
June 6, 2016
Ace (a.k.a. Finley)
Hi Wanda !
This gorgeous boy has had all his shots and is doing so well! He’s around 17 pounds now. We work with a trainer 2x a week at home (all positive clicker training) and go to puppy class on Sundays. We just took a
nice long walk and he’s asleep. I just adore him.
Thank you for my Ace.
May 12, 2016
Hi Wanda!
Look at my beautiful Grand dog! He’s 17 months now, and is so happy and loving. He is amazing at frisbee. Couldn’t ask for a better dog!
May 9, 2016
Ace (a.k.a. Finley)
Happy Mother’s Day, Wanda! With lots of love from one of your babies, Ace (a.k.a. Finley). Lots of love to his mama, Suri, today, too. Thanks to you both I get to be his mom.
You can’t see in the photo but he has a seatbelt clip on his harness so he is secure. Love him to pieces.
May 6, 2016
Here are a few pictures of him from the past few weeks. He has spent a lot of time be social at the dog parks, making friends with a 6 month old husky and even got an afternoon with me at the office. I can’t say enough on how smart and well behave he is.
Derek K
May 2, 2016
…left the 12-year-old in charge of the puppy.
May 2, 2016
Esther (a.k.a. Macy)
What a beautiful girl, Macy now Esther.
May 2, 2016
Smokey (a.k.a. Dasher)
I am so lucky to have him, I love him very much. He is learning everything so fast, but just when you think your safe he is into something he shouldn’t. As you can see in photos bits of things on the floor compliments of dash. But it’s expected with a kid like him. No matter how much we do he is very inquisitive of things all around him. He plays with the cats a lot. I am so great full to you for producing a wonderful puppy and I get to be his best friend.
May 1, 2016
Suzette (a.k.a. here known as WINNIE (the Pooh))
She’s a wonderful dog and very smart. Trains well.
April 19, 2016
Kaia (a.k.a. Sydney)
Sydney (now named Kaia) is doing amazing! She loves saying hello to strangers, playing with her tennis balls, and chewing sticks. She’s currently in puppy class and has already learned how to come, sit, lay down, and stand on her back legs. She’s even figured out how to get out of her kennel at only 10 weeks old – such a little smarty! The photo in the bottom left is from a photographer who spotted her at the park and Kaia made it on the Dogs of Minneapolis website. She is so sweet and eager to learn.
We absolutely adore her and couldn’t have asked for a better dog.
Lea & Pablo
April 9, 2016
Hi Wanda,
Jango is doing wonderfully! He has truly become part of the family. I am loving getting up at 6:30, or 7 am and walking him. He is such a playful pup, with lots of energy but at the same time and he is a calm and loving
dog. He is chewing like crazy, actually lost a tooth 🙂 So, we have lots of chew toys and try and keep him focused on chewing the appropriate items. He has ALWAYS since the very first night we got him, slept quietly through the night. We have had a few totally accident free days, and so we are getting closer and closer to not having accidents. He is healthy and happy. I also think he is definitely MY dog at the end of the day. I love him!!
Oh, he and my son (who is 18 months) are hysterical together. They steal each other’s toys, chase each other, eat each other’s food (we try not to do this) it’s too funny!
How are you? We again are so grateful to have Jango!
Hugs, Mary
April 18, 2016
Suzi (a.k.a. Bella)
She jumped up on the fireplace and posed…what a ham……I cannot believe these puppies….they are unreal smart and cute. She’s already sleeping in the bed at night with us….boy does she have our number ! LOL
Thanks again….Dawn
April 15, 2016
Hi Wanda,
Just wanted to let you know that Lincoln made his first debut appearance at an adult daycare in Litchfield today. He exceeded my expectations completely! This was my test to see how ready we are to take his Pet Partner Therapy Dog test and he is so ready! He did several retrieve games (different types working several clients in the group per game), jumping through 6 consequential hula hoops back and forth (the clients hold the hoops) finds a toy the clients hide on/near themselves, rides in the wagon the clients pull him in and of course the petting and brushing of his lush coat! He loved them all-taking so naturally to the interactions and giving kisses to those who asked! I’m bursting with pride as he was just wonderful and the clients thought he was a blast! Just 18 months, too! I am seeking a test for him, but they are all full at this time so I have him on a schedule to test at the end of May but am hoping to get him tested before then if I can work everything else out. Judy thought I would keep you posted.
In kind regards,
Sherry E
April 13,2016
Cami (a.k.a. Lucy)
Hi Wanda,
We wanted to give you an update on how our puppy Cami (originally Lucy) is doing! I attached a picture to this email! She is growing like a weed and is so well behaved! She loves car rides, playing fetch and absolutely has to say hi to every person that comes even remotely close to her. We could not be happier with her demeanor and we know that has a lot to do with how you raised her.
Thank you again for everything,
Brittany & Jim
April 12, 2016
It’s been awhile since I’ve sent a picture of Boone. We have had him for about a year and a half now. He is amazing!
Once a week for 6 weeks I took him to SF for an Intro to Agility class. He loved it (at least the social part anyway) ha But actually he did really well with the jumps and tunnels too. He was one of the better dogs in the class as long as he could stay focused on me and not wanting to play with all the other dogs! He still loves playing fetch. That is his favorite thing to do along with ride on the four wheeler. He is such a joy to have in our family. We love him dearly! I check your web page often just to see the new puppies. My brother and his family mentioned wanting to get a dog just like Boone. So if they do, I will def tell them to go through you.
April 12, 2016
Smokey is doing wonderfully. He has slept in his bedtime crate through the night every night. The crate is in bed with me he cried for a short time 2 of the nights and the stopped, and now not a peep until I wake up, despite the fact the workers are making a racket, with sledge hammers and saws going. We are having fun getting to know each other. With all construction here very loud noises people in and out it doesn’t phase him. I can vacuum and he lays there, and likes to play with me as I try to brush him it’s a game at times and then lays and lets me get job done. I could go on and on but you get the drift he also got to ride in the front end loader and bobcat with me too. Cats are getting used to him also and he lets me call him off chasing them pretty funny to watch though.
THANK YOU I love the little guy he is going to be so spoiled it’s already started. My friends and family in IL can’t wait to meet him, which will be in about the next week or so. He starts puppy school alone tomorrow and then with the others after he has his next vaccines.
PS and I got the tag for chip a few days ago. I can’t believe how quick it came, Thanks again I’ll keep you in the loop on his progression growing up.
April 12,2016
Hi Wanda!
Hope all is well! Tali is a very happy little pup and we absolutely love her! She keeps us very active- as you can see!
April 4, 2016
Bella (a.k.a. Suzi)
Just want to let you know we are doing awesome….we renamed Suzi, Bella….she is wonderful ….she shakes hands, sits, lays down and we are in the process of rolling over.
Just had to tell you we took her to the vet for her last shot yesterday and our vet Dr. Sassy’s brother bought a pup from you about the same time we did…….small world or what!!
She is sooooo wonderful……thank you again.
Dawn, jim and Bella (Suzi)
April 3, 2016
Hey Wanda
Thanks so much and hope you have an amazing week we are loving Sora!
April 3, 2016
Hi Wanda,
Today is Rudy (storms) first birthday! Here is a picture of him when he was just a baby to today his first birthday! He is doing great has so much energy and loves to look out the window by sitting on top of the couch like a little cat, he even likes to walk across it. We are training him to be out of the kennel now while we are at work and he is doing great at it. He loves catching balls and is very good at it. He is so loyal and loving.
Amanda and Joe
March 31, 2016
Just had to share some new pictures! We are ready to begin showing in Beginner Novice Obedience and Rally. I’ll be registering for some AKC shows soon so she can begin earning more titles.
Grace has absolutely the BEST temperament and is a Certified Therapy Dog, she knows tons of tricks and loves performing for patients at Nursing Homes … they LOVE her!!
She is stunningly beautiful and so photogenic, anytime she hears the camera click on she looks at me to start posing – What a ham!!
I can’t say enough about this girl – we are still over the moon in love with her!
Thank You for allowing us to have her!
P.S. I still can’t thank you enough for knowing my wants & needs to match me with the PERFECT pup! That is the mark of a great breeder!!
March 31, 2016
Finley (a.k.a. Ace)
Hi Wanda – just wanted to let you know that Finley (now known as Ace) is great! He is the sweetest little guy – lots of play drive like you said. We had a meet and greet with his vet today and she said he was a good healthy boy. We’ve got our shot schedule lined up. He’s doing well with potty training and crate training. I’ll send you some pictures soon.
I also ordered the supplements – they should arrive later this week.
Just wanted to give you the update and thank you again for my boy!
March 30, 2016
Good Morning Wanda
Willow is doing amazing! She is very smart & learned sit & down within the first 24 hours. She has acclimated to wearing her collar & walking on a leash, though, she definitely has a stubborn side and will only walk on the leash when she wants too. ?? We will start puppy classes the end of April but I have a feeling that she will be at the head of the class.
March 29, 2016
Good Morning Wanda
So far he has been doing great. He loves his daily walks, and seems to be a very happy puppy at all times. He is starting to get used to the cat, although the cat doesn’t know what to think of him yet.
March 28, 2016
just sending you a pic and letting you know he (Milo/now Taavi) is doing great—-
Darren Saari
March 22, 2016
Everything is going great! Quinn is such a good puppy and is adjusting great! He is such a lover and just wants to be in my arms all day long!
Thank you so much!
March 19, 2016
Hey Ms Wanda!
Sorry been a while and had so many changes I thought I would drop you a line and catch up a bit… My family has up and moved to Indiana a about a month ago now and are living in a wonderful home with a ton of boxes!!! I swear those things multiply in the night lol. Best part though is our back yard butts up against indiana state ranking agility runner!!! She will be starting classes in April!!! They run AKC and I’ve been doing CPE sooo going to need a fresh on the rules lol. I thought I’d send a couple of pictures of Zek being silly one is of him whooo-whoooing lol he has quite the voice. He also loves to play with toys on his back very odd but also adorable!!!! I’m so blessed to have such a wonderful boy truly Wanda I can’t stop thanking you from the bottom of my heart!!!! He means the world to me!!!! God bless!!!
~Zek and Maranda~
March 13, 2016
Hi Wanda! Jango is so perfect for us- we are so grateful to you! He’s sleeping through the night, no accidents no whimpering. He’s so great with kids & what a smuggler! You’re right, he’s playful but calm. & so smart already! Here’s a few pictures for you.
Thanks again!
March 10, 2016
Oliver and Ella
Hi Wanda:
Just wanted to send you this picture of Oliver and Ella. Those two really love each other. As you can see in the picture, Oliver is laying on Ella.
Each morning Oliver comes upstairs to wake me up and we have snuggle time for about 10 minutes, it’s as much part of his routine as going to the dog park each weekday afternoon and on the weekends on a dog park and bakery trip.
I can’t imagine my life without these two.
Hope you are well.
March 7, 2016
Ellie aka Sweetz
Our Ellie is adorable. We love her!! We have had several days when the temp was over 90 degrees. I don’t think Ellie was impressed!!
March 2, 2016
She been a good girl, Jim’s has her sitting and shaking already, she loves her "brother" and he loves her…. Dawn
March 2, 2016
Hello good afternoon she is perfect and spoiled. 🙂
Here is also the newest picture of Rudy taken this weekend. We love him so
Amanda P.
February 25, 2016
Just checking in to see how you are doing and if any more of Winnie’s siblings are available! I attached some recent pics of Winnie! I love her so much! She is living a wonderful life! I have many inquiries about where I got her and I would love to have her siblings be local!!
February 18, 2016
Ellie (a.k.a. Sweetz)
Baby Ellie worked hard protecting her dad’s office today! She is doing great. Growing like a little weed!!
February 16, 2016
Lucy (a.k.a. Jesse)
Hi Wanda,
Here is a pic of Lucy (aka Jesse). We’re a book family and it was hilarious that she decided to camp out by a low shelf of books in the kitchen — she fits right in.
She’s already showing her smarts and agility:
– the first day with the water and food bowls, we removed one bowl from the dual container and filled it with water, walked it to a different spot for her to drink; she drank some water, picked up the bowl and dumped the rest of the water out and proceeded to carry the bowl back and place it back in the holder next to the other bowl!
– today, after we spoke, she jumped the baby gate! Yikes.
Thanks for checking in!
February 15, 2016
Hey Wanda !
Things are going super well. She’s a ball of energy and fun. She pretty much sleeps through the night, maybe wakes up once to use the bathroom. When we are home she is basically potty trained and crate trained. She goes right to the door when she needs to go out and we let her out on our small patio. I’m nervous to take her downstairs or out in the city to use the bathroom right now because she doesn’t have her second round of shots yet.
Thanks for checking in!
February 8, 2016
This is Lilly
She’s doing great! Vet said she looks healthy, and she was so good there! She’s 10 pounds now so she’s growing well, and definitely likes to eat.
She’s getting along with our other older dog and the cats are adjusting as well. She’s such a sweetheart, I just love her!
Thanks for checking up on us!!
February 3, 2016
Hi Wanda,
I’ve discovered that Geordie is a kleptomaniac! I don’t know where he is digging up all this stuff! While I was taking a bath, he ran off with the bath mat! I thought I had puppy-proofed, but apparently not well enough!
He has outfoxed me with my makeshift puppy play pen. He keeps finding new escape hatches.
He’s excellent in his crate at night! Even the very first night. He cried and yowled for a minute or two and then was fine. He’s also great on a leash. Worked with him a couple of minutes and he had it down pat. We’ve done a few walks around the block. He stops at every driveway thinking it is ours and is delighted when he finds the right one. And, today after just a few tries, I think he knows "sit". He also comes when I call him when we are in the house. While he yowled on the way home from Glencoe, he has become a great car rider (in a kennel). We go on short rides so he gets used to travel.
Now, here’s where we’re having some trouble . . . cat chasing and potty training. I finally resorted to the squirt bottle after he was "terrorizing" the cat. Unfortunately, he likes the squirts and opened his mouth so I could squirt into it. Today, I’m back to positive training with treats. One for the cat, then one for the dog, then one for the cat. . .with them sitting fairly close together. We’ll see what happens with that method.
One day Geordie does his duty outside and then next has accidents in the house. Yesterday was a good day… not so good. He just decided he likes treats, so I’m hoping treat rewards will help.
I received his AKC Reunite tag today. It is very nice. I’m pleased I chose the metal one.
His shots are scheduled for next Tues. After that I’m getting him in some puppy classes.
I’m committed to making sure he and I become a great team!!!!! Thanks again for your help and concern. You certainly have a nice facility and great dogs! And, Geordie says "hi"!!!!!!
Julie and Geordie
February 1, 2016
Hi Wanda!
Everything is going great! Bowie made a visit to the elementary school that I work at today and he has so many new admirers! No one could believe how well behaved he was around the children (I work with special needs children). He is such an angel.
Thanks for checking up on us!!
January 31, 2016
Hi Wanda!
Just wanted to give you a quick update, Bowie is doing wonderfully! You have really raised an amazing pup. He’s been paraded around quite a bit in the last day and he is just the most well behaved puppy anyone has ever seen. He’s eating well, loves playing outside, and has won over everyone’s hearts. We love him so much and are so thankful for you and your family.
Thanks again,
Ashley and Andrew
January 12, 2016
Happy new year to you!! Barnum is absolutely fabulous! Oh my! He is such an amazing awesome dog! We adore him and are like two old people with this stinkin spoiled dog!! I could send you a ton of pictures of him but I tried to restrain myself! He is the most handsome fella ever! And he walks around like he is so cocky and owns the place. He is not lacking in self confidence! Love him! thanks for this amazing pup!
Love, Barb
January 8, 2016
She’s wonderful ! Everyone that meets her instantly falls in love with her ! Everyone calls her Queen B because when she walks in the room she demands everyone to love on her!! She absolutely loves bossing around her big brother Shooter (118lb bloodhound) Your praised down here at the vet office in Louisiana too for your training you do on the puppies. They’ve never had a dog behave as well as her for nails trims ! Lol she has grown up to such a proper lil lady but she likes to get down and dirty in the horse barn with mom and fishing in the boat with her dad ! I seriously can’t thank you enough for her. She is such a blessing to our family and we love her very much !
January 7, 2016
Just wanted to give you an update on my baby girl ! She’s doing great! Smartest dog I’ve ever owned! Hope y’all had a happy holiday!
January 5, 2016
Oliver and Ella
Hi Wanda,
Oliver and Ella are doing great. They LOVE each other. I truly believe they are better and happier in pairs. They are pretty much inseparable and it is so much fun to see. Yesterday Bob caught them snuggling on the couch although when he went to take the photo they woke up, but here it is anyway
January 3, 2016
January 3, 2016
Jerzie is doing well. She just loves my husband. They play frisbee all year long in the yard. Weather permitting of course.